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The impact of expanded Medicaid eligibility on access to naloxone

Addiction Jun 25, 2019

Frank RG, et al. - In this investigation, researchers characterized the changes in the quantity of Medicaid-covered naloxone used between 2009 and 2016 and measured the differential change in the quantity of naloxone dispensed between states that expanded their Medicaid programs vs states that did not. The number of Medicaid-covered naloxone prescriptions was comparable in expansion and non-expansion states prior to Medicaid expansion. According to the findings, Medicaid accounts for nearly a quarter of naloxone sales. Keeping other factors constant, Medicaid expansion generated 8.3% of naloxone unit growth from 2009 to 2016, with states that expanded Medicaid having 78.2 more prescriptions per year on average for naloxone vs states that did not expand Medicaid coverage.

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