About Us
Over 5 million Doctors across 9 countries
trust M3 Group for their daily practice.

M3 India website and applications are owned and managed by Neuroglia Health Private Limited (NHPL). This initiative will leverage the power of technology and the reach provided by the internet to expand and enhance information access and communication across the entire Indian healthcare sector. M3 group's web-based platforms will help healthcare professionals stay abreast with ever-evolving practice of medicine, leading to better patient care. Additionally, M3's globally successful proprietary services will support close collaboration within the life sciences industry and promote advancement of healthcare and research solutions in India.
M3, Inc. is a global company based in Tokyo, specializing in revolutionizing healthcare through integration of real life processes with web-platform based solutions. Their three M's stand for Medicine, Media, and Metamorphosis. M3, Inc. strives to provide all healthcare professionals, patients, and related companies with services that offer value defined by its philosophy, "making use of the Internet to increase, as much as possible, the number of people who can live longer and healthier lives, and to reduce, as much as possible, the amount of unnecessary medical costs." With over five million physician members globally across its web-based platforms centered in Japan, US, China, EU, and South Korea, M3 group's collective accumulated expertise can now be leveraged to provide M3 India with the next dimension of innovation and access to information.
Dailyrounds is a part of M3, Inc., which is a global company based in Tokyo, specializing in revolutionizing healthcare through integration of real-life processes with web-platform based solutions. Over 5 million Doctors across 9 countries trust M3 Group for their daily practice. DailyRounds partnered with M3 in 2019.