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Analysis of the alcohol drinking behavior and influencing factors among emerging adults and young adults: A cross-sectional study in Wuhan, China

BMC Public Health May 05, 2019

Lu W, et al. - Researchers examined 1634 participants between 18 and 34 years of age, to gain an understanding of the current status of drinking behavior of Chinese youth transitioning into adulthood. They reported 45.84% prevalence of drinking alcohol in the studied emerging and young Chinese adults. The predominance of non-drinkers was reported, who accounted for 54.16%. Of overall sample, 42.94% were light drinkers, and 2.90% were moderate and heavy drinkers. According to findings, the earlier the age of first alcohol drinking or the age of first being intoxicated, the greater the probability of being a moderate or heavy drinker. The chances of having moderate or heavy drinking behaviors were more in subjects with high emerging adulthood. The probability of not be married and to be classified as high emerging adulthood was more among heavy drinkers, as revealed in logistic regression analysis.
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