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Dr. Aastha Tyagiis a medical writer & social media influencer. Founder of Medical Notestepup on InstagramRead all articles
Dr. Abhay Bhaveis a Consultant Haematologist at Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai with 31 years of experienceRead all articles
Dr. Abhijeet MuglikarProfessor & Head, Dept of Pharmacology, Diabetology, MIMSR Medical College, LaturRead all articles
Dr. Achal Bhagatis a Chairperson of Saarthak, a group of mental health organisationsRead all articles
Dr. Ajay Dusejais a Professor in the Department of Hepatology, PGIMER, Chandigarh with over 300 publicationsRead all articles
Dr. Ajay Kumaris the Chairman of BLK Liver and Digestive Diseases Institute from Pusa Road, New DelhiRead all articles
Dr. Aju Mathewis a Medical Oncologist, Haematologist, Internist and Epidemiologist practising in KochiRead all articles
Dr. Akhlak HussainM.Ch. in Surgical Oncology, Senior Consultant and director, Hadoti Hospital, KotaRead all articles