Understanding HIV Treatment Better
Thu 01 Dec, 2022 8:00–8:45pm
45 mins
What the session is about
Discussion (8:00 to 8:30pm)
- Laboratory testing and evaluation
- Diagnosis of HIV infection
- Case Studies associated with HIV AIDS
- ART treatment updates
Interactive Q&A (8:30 to 8:45 pm)
- Register now and send your questions through the chat window
- You can also send questions 'Live' during the Webinar on Dec 1st through the chat window below the video
About the presenter:

Prof. Dr. Tummalapalli Venkateshwara Rao HOD at Travancore Medical College, Kollam Kerala.
- He has done his MD in Microbiology from Andhra Medical College Visakhapatnam in 1991 & Post graduate diploma in management of cerebral palsy from the Spastic Society of India in 1986.
- He was a tutor in Microbiology at Andhra medical college, Visakhapatnam between the year 1989 to 1991 and was Senior Resident, Asst. professor & DO at SVIMS, Tirupati between1993 to 1997.
- He was a Professor at Kamaliya medical institution, Kerala between 2002-2003 & in Dept of Microbiology at JMMC, Thrissur.
- He has been awarded for the Best Department in 1997 for student training and upkeeping Microbiology Department at S.V. institute of medical science, Tirupati.
- He has research and audit experiences associated with HIV/AIDS screening and research work at Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam in the year 1991. & also HLA Typing for establishing HLA Laboratory for benefit of the patient undergoing renal and bone marrow Transplantation at the Institute of Immuno Haematology at the Indian Council of Medical Research.
- He presented posters in the Second and Third International Conference on AIDS India in 2000 and 2001 in The Dept. of Experimental Medicine and Aids Resource Centre, Tamil Nadu, Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai.
- He has published some case reports and journals on Onychomycosis due to Fusarium oxysoprum The Internet Journal of Infectious diseases & Salmonella Typhimurium septicaemia manifesting as monoarthritis.
- He has also published papers on Emphysematous Pyelonephritis in diabetic ketoacidosis in 1997 & Bioinformatics in future medicine, Drug Development and role of Doctor in 2001