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Rational management of dengue fever and complications
Date: Thu 08 Jul, 2021 7:30–8:30pm
Duration: 1 hour



What the session is about

Discussion  (7:30 pm to 8.15 pm)

  • Clinical phases of dengue fever

  • Classification of dengue severity

  • Rational management of dengue fever

  • Recent advances in prevention & management


Interactive Q&A (8.15 pm to 8.30 pm)

  • Register now and send your questions through the chat window
  • You can also send questions 'Live' during the Webinar on July 8 through the chat window below the video
About the presenter:
Dr. shashikaran umakanth image 1624872477
Dr. Shashikiran Umakanth, Professor & Head, Department of Medicine, Udupi
  • Dr. Shashikiran Umakanth is the Professor & Head of Internal Medicine, and Medical Superintendent at Dr TMA Pai Hospital, Udupi, of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal
  • He has a total experience in clinical practice and teaching of 22 years
  • He is the recipient of the Excellence in Teaching award on many occasions
  • His areas of interest include infectious diseases, diabetes and related metabolic disorders, medical education and technology
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