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Case-based management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Date: Tue 15 Jun, 2021 7:30–8:30pm
Duration: 1 hour



What the session is about

Discussion  (7:30 pm to 8.15 pm)

  • Management of patients with ulcerative colitis
  • Management of patients with Crohn’s disease
  • COVID and IBD


Interactive Q&A (8.15 pm to 8.30 pm)

  • Register now and send your questions through the chat window
  • You can also send questions 'Live' during the Webinar on 15th June through the chat window below the video
About the presenter:
Devendradesai 1623213573
Dr. Devendra Desai, Consultant Gastroenterologist, Mumbai
  • Dr. Devendra Desai started the “Inflammatory Bowel Disease clinic” at PD Hinduja Hospital in 2004
  • He is also credited with starting a patient support group called “Colitis Association of India” in 2005
  • He is the visiting doctor at Birmingham University Liver Unit and Observer, inflammatory bowel disease at Mayo Clinic, Minnesota, USA
  • He has published more than 75 papers in national and international indexed journals and has won 12 awards at various stages in his career
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