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Cardiovascular benefits of SGLT2
Date: Sat 15 May, 2021 7:00–8:00pm
Duration: 1 hour


What the session is about

Discussion  (7 pm to 7.15 pm)

  • Role of SGLT2 in improving cardiovascular outcomes
  • Findings from recent trials
  • Answers to common & critical queries

Interactive Q&A (7.15 pm to 8 pm)

  • Register now and send your questions through the chat window
  • You can also send questions 'Live' during the Webinar on 15th May through the chat window below the video
About the presenter:
Kiron varghese pic 1620289849
Dr. Kiron Varghese , Professor and Head, Department of Cardiology, St John’s Medical College, Bangalore
  • Research Activity: Over 50 publications in national and international journals 
  • More than 70 published abstracts in indexed journals
  • Delivered numerous guest lectures and attended several lectures at various conferences
  • Investigator / co-investigator for numerous national and international / multi-center trials
  • He has several prestigious memberships and has been a part of activities in the professional activities of organisations; Fellow of the American College of Cardiology – FACC, Fellow of Indian College of Cardiology - FICC, Fellow of the Cardiological Society of India - FCSI, Life Member of Association of Physicians of India, Life Member of Cardiological Society of India, Past President (2009) - Cardiological Society of India, Bangalore Chapter
  • Organising Secretary of the Annual Conference of Cardiological Society of India, Karnataka Chapter, 2009
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