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Stop harassment of doctors: Supreme Court to Delhi government

IANS Jun 18, 2020

The Supreme Court on June 17 questioned the Delhi government for suspending a doctor who made a video on the pathetic condition of one of its hospitals.

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A bench comprising three Justices, slamming the Delhi government said doctors and nurses are involved in the COVID-19 war, but the government is busy filing FIRs. "If you don't treat the soldiers well then how will you win the war, you are shooting messengers, doctors and paramedics," said the bench citing the suspension of the doctor who made the video. "Make sure you stop harassment of doctors right away, they are your warriors and this is how you treat them," said the bench mentioning the suspension of a doctor, who was employed in a Delhi government hospital, for sharing the video.

The Justice said the Delhi government cannot try to suppress the numbers and it is sending out a wrong signal. Another Justice noted "You don't want proof to come out." The Delhi government counsel, Additional Solicitor General, contended before the bench that the government is committed to patient care, increasing the COVID-19 tests and also managing the dead bodies. The bench referring to the Delhi government affidavit said how is the government saying everything is excellent and in order in the national capital.

The bench asked the Delhi government to file another reply on the matter by June 19. "We don't know your definition of excellent, file a better affidavit," said the bench. In the last hearing, the Supreme Court had slammed the Delhi government and termed its patient care pathetic. On June 12, the apex court had issued notices to state governments of Delhi, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal and the Centre in the suo moto case on the proper treatment of COVID-19 patients and dignified handling of bodies.

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