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Rajasthan will become best state in healthcare: Rajasthan CM

PTI Mar 06, 2019

Rajasthan chief minister Ashok Gehlot on March 5 said that he wanted Rajasthan to become the country's best state in healthcare.

Speaking at a programme here, Gehlot said that the government was committed for providing better health services and will fulfil its promise to introduce right to health for everyone in the state. He also said that there was a need for an authority to regulate medical services in private hospitals.

"The government's thought is for providing better healthcare services. The government will soon bring legislation for right to health," he said. Gehlot said that the earlier Congress government had introduced free medicines scheme which had benefitted a large number of people but the previous Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government had "weakened" it.

No government scheme which benefits people should be discontinued, he said. The chief minister was speaking at the inauguration of Sri Ram cancer and super speciality centre of Mahatma Gandhi hospital. Health minister Raghu Sharma and others were present on the occasion.

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