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New technique to replace lost teeth: Experts

IANS Jan 25, 2024

The pterygoid implant is a new technique that will make it easier for those who lost their jaws in accidents or by ageing, to have their teeth replaced.

King George’s Medical University (KGMU) dental faculty experts have explained how this innovative technique could utilise four front and two back implants to simplify the replacement of teeth for those affected by accidents or ageing.

Dentist Dr Divya Mehrotra said it was a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional bone grafting, addressing challenges posed by bone loss in the upper jaw.

Dr Mehrotra stated that pterygoid implant offered a shorter, one-surgery solution, in comparison to multiple surgeries required by conventional bone grafting.

Another expert Dr Kamleshwar Singh, emphasised the difficulty of replacing missing teeth in case of bone loss, particularly in the less dense upper jaw near the maxillary sinus.

“Traditional implants may not be viable due to the need for sufficient bone anchoring,” he said.

Another dentist at KGMU, Dr Bhaskar Agrawal said 3D scanning technology created a precise digital model of the patient’s mouth and enhanced the accuracy and efficiency of dental implants.

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