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Gaming addiction causes behavioural changes: Experts

IANS Dec 15, 2023

Gaming addiction is leading to behavioural changes in children and adults, according to experts. If your child is getting angry over petty issues, losing interest in daily activities or eating and sleeping too little, it is time to consult a medical expert.

At a special session organised by Lucknow University’s social work department in association with Head Digital Works (HDW), experts threw light on responsible online gaming and tips for de-addiction from online gaming.

Clinical psychologist Dr P.K. Khatri said: “If anyone around you shows such symptoms then do not hesitate to get help from a counsellor.”

He said that the biggest issue is that people do not accept that they have developed a gaming addiction. And, even if they do, they do not look for its cure.

“Also, people are unaware of the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist. If one is addicted to gaming, then the person should first consult a psychologist, A few counselling sessions by a psychologist may help handle the issue, if not, then approach a psychiatrist,” he added.

Students -- if they are fond of gaming -- should do it responsibly.

“Responsible gaming ensures playing online games that have a Random Number Generator (RNG) certificate. Those who have these certificates ensure that outcomes of such games are truly random and not biased towards any particular player or group of players,” said the head HDW.

He said that this means that every player has an equal chance of winning or losing, and the outcome of each game is not predetermined or influenced by any external factors.

The additional Deputy Commissioner of Police, West, Lucknow and Cyber expert said: “All presenters should cover cameras of their mobile or laptop while playing games online since everything is being recorded today and we could be a victim of online fraud or scams.”

He also talked about the deep fake technology majorly used in pornography and breaching a person’s right to privacy.

The senior vice president of HDW said: “Online gaming is like sweets that taste great but having it every day will make you unhealthy. Online gaming should not change your way of life, it is only a part of life.”

The state education minister said: “Youth should channelise their energy towards the betterment of the country rather than wasting time on online games. Game addiction has made our youth physically inactive, socially absent and poor at communication skills.”

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