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Autism related to short gap between pregnancies?

IANS Nov 27, 2017

Think wisely before planning your second baby, as mothers who get pregnant within two years of their first baby are 50 percent more likely to have an autistic kid, a recent study suggests.






According to researchers, women need at least 18 months to regain the healthy level of nutrients needed to carry and nourish a baby.The study, conducted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, showed a clear correlation between short birth spacing and autism.Lead author Dr. Laura Schieve used data from the Study to Explore Early Development, a multi-site case-control study with rigorous case-finding and case-classification methods.The team reviewed data from 356 children with autism spectrum disorder, 600 with developmental disorders and 524 without any disorders.

Given the scale of information collected, they were able to subdivide each autism case themselves based on the reported symptoms and assess maternal reproductive history.They found that overly-long or overly-short 'birth spacing' was 'uniquely' correlated with autism and not with any other disorder.Women wait at least 18 months to replenish the nutrients needed to carry a baby

Those who waited longer than the average tend to have fertility issues, the authors noted.They concluded that there is a clear risk of rushing into pregnancy, or not seeking assessment if conception is taking longer than planned.Schieve noted that the findings support existing guidelines on pregnancy spacing and further highlight the association between autism and pregnancy health.Couples thinking about getting pregnant should discuss pregnancy planning with a trusted doctor or healthcare provider, the researchers advised.The research appears in published today in the journal Autism Research.

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