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VISTA expression on tumor-infiltrating inflammatory cells in primary cutaneous melanoma correlates with poor disease-specific survival

Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy May 16, 2018

Kuklinski LF, et al. - Given adaptive immune responses contribute to the pathogenesis of melanoma by facilitating immune evasion. researchers determined the association between expression of VISTA (V-domain Ig suppressor of T-cell activation; a potent negative regulator of T-cell function, expressed at high levels on monocytes, granulocytes, and macrophages, and at lower densities on T-cell populations within the tumor microenvironment) on tumor-infiltrating inflammatory cells and survival in primary cutaneous melanoma using Pearson’s correlation coefficients. In univariate and multivariate analysis, the presence of VISTA was found to be related to a significantly worse disease-specific survival. Overall, VISTA expression was identified as an independent negative prognostic factor in primary cutaneous melanoma and its potential as an adjuvant immunotherapeutic intervention in the future was suggested.
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