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Travel burden and clinical presentation of retinoblastoma: Analysis of 1,024 patients from 43 African countries and 518 patients from 40 European countries

British Journal of Ophthalmology Sep 18, 2020

Fabian ID, Stacey AW, Foster A, et al. - Researchers conducted this cross-sectional analysis to examine the travel burden and its influence on clinical presentation in a large sample of patients with retinoblastoma from Africa and Europe. The sample consisted of 518 treatment-naïve patients with retinoblastoma residing in 40 European countries and 1,024 treatment-naïve patients with retinoblastoma residing in 43 African countries. Capture rate from Africa was 42.2% of patients expected and from Europe was 108.8%. The estimated number of retinoblastoma patients reported to African referral centres in 2017 is less than half, indicating low awareness or other obstacles to access. Despite the comparatively shorter distance travelled by African patients, the later-stage disease was identified. Health education on retinoblastoma is required in Africa for carers and health workers to increase capture rate and promote early referral.

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