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The neuropathology of fatal encephalomyelitis in human Borna virus infection

Acta Neuropathologica Aug 01, 2019

Liesche F, Ruf V, Zoubaa S, et al. - The researchers presented the first systematic overview of Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1, it causes a severe neurological disorder (Borna disease) due to an encephalomyelitis lymphocytaria non-purulenta with loss of neurons) tissue distribution and the lesion pattern in fatal BoDV-1-induced encephalitis, based on six brain autopsies. Along with the detection of BoDV-1-typical eosinophilic, spherical intranuclear Joest–Degen inclusion bodies, all brains exhibited a non-purulent, lymphocytic sclerosing panencephalomyelitis. While the composition of histopathological variations was constant, the inflammatory distribution pattern differed interindividually, affecting predominantly the basal nuclei in two individuals, the hippocampus in one individual, while two individuals exhibited a more diffuse distribution. The BoDV-1 was identified in all examined brain tissue samples via immunohistochemistry and RNA in situ hybridization. Moreover, infection of the peripheral nervous system was noted. Therefore, the aim of this study was to increase awareness of human bornavirus encephalitis as a differential diagnosis in lymphocytic sclerosing panencephalomyelitis. Moreover, prominent attention to human BoDV-1 infection by health professionals may likely enhance the identification of more cases and foster a clearer picture of the disease.
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