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The addition of fluoxetine to cognitive behavioral therapy for youth depression (YoDA-C): A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre clinical trial

The Lancet Psychiatry Aug 29, 2019

Davey CG, Chanen AM, Hetrick SE, et al. - Researchers examined the efficacy of combined treatment with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and fluoxetine vs CBT and placebo in youth with moderate-to-severe major depressive disorder. In the Youth Depression Alleviation–Combined Treatment (YoDA-C) trial, they randomized (1:1) 153 participants aged 15-25 years to receive CBT for 12 weeks, plus either fluoxetine or placebo. Participants had moderate-to-severe MDD and had sought care at one of four clinical centers in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia. According to findings, patients did not exhibit a further reduction in depressive symptoms in correlation to the addition of fluoxetine (rather than placebo) to CBT. Patients with comorbid anxiety symptoms and older youth may benefit from the addition of medication as per the results of exploratory analyses.

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