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Sub‐acute hyponatraemia more than chronic hyponatraemia is associated with serious falls and hip fractures

Internal Medicine Journal Sep 18, 2020

Bhandari SK, Adams AL, Li BH, et al. - Researchers undertook this retrospective cohort analysis to assess persons with periods of sub‐acute and chronic hyponatraemia on subsequent risk for serious falls and/or hip fractures. Participants were people aged ≥55 years with ≥2 outpatient serum sodium measurements. For serious falls/hip fractures, the estimated incidence (per‐1000‐person‐years) was 11.5 for normonatraemia, 27.9 for sub‐acute hyponatraemia, and 19.8 for chronic hyponatraemia. A serious falls/hip fractures hazard ratios (HR) (95%CI) of 1.18 (1.15, 1.22) was estimated for any hyponatraemia duration vs normonatraemia; HR of 1.38 (1.33, 1.42) and 0.91 (0.87, 0.95) were reported for sub‐acute and chronic hyponatraemia, respectively. In this study, early/sub‐acute hyponatraemia seemed more vulnerable and was shown to be related to serious falls/hip fractures. It is yet to be discovered if hyponatraemia represents a marker of frailty or a modifiable risk factor for falls.

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