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Sex-based disparities in the hourly earnings of surgeons in the fee-for-service system in Ontario, Canada

JAMA Oct 11, 2019

Dossa F, Simpson AN, Sutradhar R, et al. - In this cross-sectional, population-based study of 3,275 surgeons who submitted claims for surgical procedures (n = 1,508,471) done between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2016, researchers ascertained whether male and female surgeons had comparable earnings for each hour spent operating in a fee-for-service system. Even within a fee-for-service system, male and female surgeons did not have equal earnings for equal hours spent working, implying that the chance to do the most lucrative surgical procedures was higher for men vs women. The findings request for a comprehensive analysis of drivers of gender-based earning differences, comprising referral patterns, and reflect the requirement for systems-level solutions.
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