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Safety of soft contact lenses in children: Retrospective review of six randomized controlled trials of myopia control

Acta Ophthalmologica Nov 03, 2019

Cheng X, et al. - Among children wearing soft contact lenses, researchers analyzed the rate and types of ocular adverse events. The sample consisted of 581 myopic children, aged 7 to 15 years at baseline, administered daily disposable hydrogel contact lenses (etafilcon A). There were no significant or serious ocular adverse events during 816 patient-years of contact lens wear. In total, 86 non-significant ocular adverse events occurred in 53 children. Data reported that ocular adverse events crude rate was 10.6 per 100 patient-years with the estimated pooled incidence being 8.9 per 100 patient-years. Slit-lamp findings of Grade 2 or less requiring treatment, unspecified conjunctivitis, and allergic conjunctivitis were the most common ocular adverse events. No cases have been reported of microbial keratitis. Such data suggest that children can safely use regular disposable soft contact lenses. In normal clinical practice, further studies will be needed to accurately quantify the adverse event rate of soft contact lenses.
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