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Reliability of Field Assessment Stroke Triage for Emergency Destination scale use by paramedics: Mobile stroke unit first-year experience

Stroke May 28, 2021

Bhatt NR, Frankel MR, Nogueira RG, et al. - Given that the Field Assessment Stroke Triage for Emergency Destination (FAST-ED) scale is a useful tool for triaging stroke patients in the field, but data on its reliability in the prehospital setting are lacking, researchers tested the reliability of the FAST-ED scale when used by paramedics in a mobile stroke unit covering a metropolitan area. This study included 173 of the 238 patients transported during the first 15 months of the mobile stroke unit's activity. When compared with a vascular neurologist, the FAST-ED scale performed by paramedics has excellent reliability, indicating that it can be accurately performed by paramedics in the prehospital setting.

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