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Pulse pressure is a stronger predictor than systolic blood pressure for severe eye diseases in diabetes mellitus

Journal of the American Heart Association Apr 17, 2019

Yamamoto M, et al. - Researchers compared pulse pressure (PP) to systolic blood pressure (SBP) as a predictor of incident severe diabetic retinopathy. From a nationwide claims database, a total of 12,242 eligible patients (83% men) 19 to 72 years old were examined for a median observational 4.8-year period. Vision-threatening treatment-required diabetic eye disease was the definition they used for severe diabetic retinopathy. A better prediction of severe diabetic retinopathy was enabled by PP vs SBP, after excluding the significant impact of glycemic control. This finding implies that diastolic blood pressure and arterial stiffness have a role in pathology.

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