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Prevalence of opioid induced adrenal insufficiency in patients taking chronic opioids

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Sep 04, 2020

Li T, Cunningham JC, Gilliam WP, et al. - A cross-sectional study, 2016-2018 was designed to ascertain the prevalence of opioid-induced adrenal insufficiency (OIAI), and to identify predictors for the development of OIAI in patients taking opioids for chronic pain. Researchers recruited a total of 102 patients (median age 53 years (range 22-83), 67% women). According to the results, 9% was the prevalence of OIAI, with MME cumulative exposure being the only predictor for OIAI development. For OIAI, patients on MME of 20 mg/day and above should be monitored.

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