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Prevalence and factors associated with food insecurity across an entire campus population

PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Sep 04, 2020

Riddle ES, et al. - Researchers performed comprehensive assessment of food insecurity across all college community members via surveying a random sample of an entire campus population at a Northeast University in two surveys (spring 2017, n = 1,037 and fall 2017, n = 1,123). Using analysis of variance, t-tests, and multivariable logit models, they identified the overall rate of food insecurity on campus of 19.6% (spring) and 15.0% (fall). Undergraduates, graduate and medical students, and staff showed the highest food insecurity rates as compared with faculty. In both surveys, they observed higher risk for food insecurity among first generation students and off-campus students, while in the spring survey, people of color were more likely to be food insecure. Per findings, university members beyond undergraduates also experience high rates of food insecurity, which appear to have important implications for efforts to decrease food insecurity on college campuses.

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