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Pregnancy after bariatric surgery and adverse perinatal outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis

PLoS Medicine Sep 09, 2019

Akhter Z, Rankin J, Ceulemans D, et al. - Via a systematic review that included 33 studies, experts investigated the relationship between pregnancy following bariatric surgery and adverse perinatal outcomes. An important rise in odds of perinatal mortality, congenital anomalies, preterm birth, and neonatal intensive care unit admission though, a reduction in odds of postterm birth following bariatric surgery was recognized by the meta-analysis. Following malabsorptive bariatric surgery types, the odds of small babies were raised and the odds of large babies were reduced although there was no alteration for restrictive bariatric surgery types. In conclusion, bariatric surgery, particularly gastric bypass, former to pregnancy was related to an elevated risk of some adverse perinatal outcomes, implying that women who have undergone bariatric surgery may profit from specific preconception and pregnancy nutritional support and enhanced monitoring of fetal growth and development. Future studies should investigate whether restrictive surgery leads to better perinatal outcomes, in comparison with malabsorptive surgery, without compromising maternal outcomes. If so, these may be the favored surgery for women of reproductive age.
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