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Predictors of cardiomyopathy in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus with and without cardiovascular complications: A cross-sectional study

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Jun 28, 2019

Bashir A, et al. - In this cross-sectional study involving 125 participants (25 healthy volunteers and 100 type 2 diabetes mellitus [T2DM] patients), researchers assessed cardiomyopathy in patients with T2DM who live with or without cardiovascular complications by estimating different cardiac biomarkers. To assess the significant association between cardiac biomarkers other biochemical parameters, Pearson's correlation analysis was performed. The positive relationship was found between HbA1c and calcium or BNP levels; however, a negative connection was noted with zinc level. BNP and calcium levels were significantly increased in T2DM patients with cardiovascular complication, while zinc was significantly reduced. In addition, a positive correlation was found between BNP, calcium, Troponin-I levels, and blood pressure. However, to verify these results, further longitudinal studies are required.

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