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Periodontal disease is associated with carotid plaque area: The Malmö Offspring Dental Study (MODS)

Journal of Internal Medicine Oct 25, 2019

Jönsson D, Orho-Melander M, Demmer RT, et al. - In this Malmö Offspring Study, a population-based study, 831 MODS participants were enrolled in order to examine whether signs of periodontal disease were related to the occurrence of carotid plaque and total plaque area (TPA). Nearly 63% had carotid plaque and 38% had moderate or severe periodontal disease. In comparison with those without pockets, people within the greatest quartile of periodontal pockets were expected to have 9 mm2 larger TPA. Thus, the results imply that for the prevention of CVD, intervention studies discussing periodontal disease could be beneficial.
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