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Pediatric eye injuries by hydroalcoholic gel in the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic

JAMA Ophthalmology Jan 27, 2021

Martin GC, Le Roux G, Guindolet D, et al. - In this national retrospective review from the French Poison Control Centers, researchers sought to identify the epidemiologic trend of pediatric eye exposures to alcohol-based hand sanitizers (ABHS) and to report the severity of the ocular lesions. Between April 1 and August 24, 2020, the PCC database reported 7 times more pediatric cases of ABHS eye exposure compared with the same period in 2019. Such data support the probability that the pediatric population is experiencing a growing number of accidental ocular exposures to ABHS. These results support the health authorities' safe use of these devices and advise parents and caregivers about their possible risk to children in order to ensure good public compliance with hand disinfection.

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