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Oxygen desaturation during the 6-min walk test as a risk for osteoporosis in non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis

BMC Pulmonary Medicine Feb 07, 2019

Huang HY, et al. - Researchers estimated 66 non-cystic fibrosis (non-CF) bronchiectasis patients to analyze if desaturation during 6-min walk test (6MWT) could be a predictor for osteoporosis risk. They determined lung function, walking distance, the lowest oxygen saturation (SpO2), the fall in SpO2 (ΔSpO2), and the distance-saturation product (DSP) during the 6MWT. They noticed osteoporosis prevalent in more desaturators (ie, ΔSpO2 > 10% or the lowest SpO2 < 88%) as compared to non-desaturators. A positive correlation was observed between bone mineral density (BMD) and the lowest SpO2 whereas negatively associated with ΔSpO2 and severe exacerbations. Old age, low body mass index, and severe exacerbation were also included as risk factors.
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