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Nintedanib and immunomodulatory therapies in progressive fibrosing interstitial lung diseases

Respiratory Research Mar 21, 2021

Cottin V, Richeldi L, Rosas I, et al. - Given that nintedanib decreased the rate of interstitial lung disease (ILD) progression and offered, in most cases, manageable adverse events among patients with chronic fibrosing ILDs and a progressive phenotype in the INBUILD trial, researchers herein sought to determine the potential influence of immunomodulatory therapies on nintedanib’s efficacy and safety. Participants were patients having fibrosing ILDs other than idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, with ILD progression within the prior 24 months despite treatment in clinical practice. These participants were randomly assigned to nintedanib or placebo. For the first 6 months, certain immunomodulatory therapies were restricted. There were 663 individuals, of those, 361 (54.4%) were receiving glucocorticoids at baseline (353 at a dose of ≤ 20 mg/day). Findings revealed that use of immunomodulatory therapies, in patients with progressive fibrosing ILDs, did not influence the impact of nintedanib on decreasing forced vital capacity reduction. Based on findings, a combination of nintedanib with immunomodulatory therapies can be employed to treat patients with progressive fibrosing ILDs.

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