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Negative predictors of shunt surgery outcome in normal pressure hydrocephalus

Acta Neurologica Scandinavica Feb 07, 2020

Bådagård H, et al. - Researchers studied the effect of high age and vascular comorbidity on outcome after shunt surgery in patients (n = 332) with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH), characterized by progressive balance and gait disturbances, cognitive dysfunction, and urinary incontinence. For this analysis, they consecutively involved patients who were treated with shunts between 2011 and 2015 at a single centre. In order to examine the predictive effects of age and vascular comorbidity on shunt surgery outcomes, a multivariable model was used. In a multivariable analysis of postoperative covariance as the dependent variable, increasing age and ischaemic stroke history were negative predictors of shunt surgery outcome after controlling for waiting time for surgery, symptom severity at preoperative control, diabetes mellitus presence, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, myocardial infarction history, symptoms duration, and shunt complications. In patients with iNPH, high age and established cerebrovascular disease were linked to less favourable outcome after shunt surgery. Shunt surgery should not be delayed after diagnosis has been established.
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