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Multinational comparison of new antidepressant use in older adults: A cohort study

BMJ Open May 21, 2019

Tamblyn R, et al. – Researchers evaluated the rate and characteristics of antidepressant use among older adults in countries with more conservative and liberal depression guidelines using a historical cohort of older adults (aged ≥ 65 years) who had new episodes of antidepressant use in six jurisdictions in four countries (United Kingdom, Taiwan, United States, and Canada), with the aid of an international pharmacosurveillance network. Antidepressant use in older adults varied 24-fold by country, with the UK, which has the most conservative treatment guidelines, being among the lowest. The most common potential treatment indication was chronic pain. The investigators noted that assessment of real-world risks of tricyclic antidepressants should be a priority for future research due to the high rates of use and the potential for increased toxicity in older adults because of potent anticholinergic effects.

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