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Long-term and recent weight change are associated with reduced peripheral bone density, deficits in bone microarchitecture, and decreased bone strength: The Framingham Osteoporosis Study

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Oct 28, 2018

Liu CT, et al. – In this study, researchers analyzed the potential impact of weight loss on cortical and trabecular bone density, microarchitecture, and strength. Study participants included members of the Framingham Offspring Cohort (769 women, 595 men; mean age 70 ± 8 years), who had high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography scanning at the tibia and radius in 2012-2016. Findings suggested an association of long-term and recent weight loss with lower cortical density and thickness, higher cortical porosity, and lower trabecular density and number. They found stronger associations for the tibia than radius. In older adults, deterioration in both cortical and trabecular indices, particularly at the weight-bearing skeleton, characterizes bone fragility related to long-term and recent weight loss.

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