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Late neurological deterioration after acute intracerebral hemorrhage: A post hoc analysis of the ATACH-2 Trial

Cerebrovascular Diseases Feb 15, 2020

Okazaki S, Yamamoto H, Foster LD, et al. - Given that neurological deterioration (ND) has a major impact on the prognosis of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), researchers conducted exploratory analyses of data from the Antihypertensive Treatment of Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage 2 trial to determine factors correlated with ND occurring after 24 h of ICH onset. This trial contrasted intensive and standard blood pressure lowering treatment in ICH. Among 1,000 candidates with acute ICH, 82 individuals developed early ND (≤ 24 h), and 64 had late ND. Independent predictors of late ND after ICH were initial hematoma volume, early hematoma volume expansion, and intraventricular hemorrhage. Intensive reduction in the level of systolic blood pressure does not prevent the late ND from developing. Late ND was a major risk factor for poor 90-day results. No statistically significant difference in late ND incidence between the two treatment groups has been reported.
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