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Intraday weather conditions can influence self-report of depressive symptoms

Journal of Psychiatric Research Feb 13, 2020

Xu C, et al. - Researchers sought to determine how intraday weather conditions influence depressive symptoms. Further, they examined age and gender differences in depressive symptoms’ report under different intraday weather conditions. Using the China Labor-force Dynamic Survey project in 2016, they obtained data from a total sample size of 20,987 individuals aged 15–96 years. The intraday weather conditions (ie, sunny, cloudy, overcast, light rain, moderate rain, and heavy rain) were filled in the questionnaire with depression being self-reported utilizing the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) Scale. In the survey, depressive symptoms (CES-D scores > 15) were reported in 17.3% [95% confidence interval = 16.8%, 17.8%] individuals. The peak weather condition for depressive symptoms was an overcast day, while the weather condition of moderate rain showed the biggest gender and age differences of depressive symptoms. As per multivariate logistic regression, female and middle-old age individuals more frequently report having depressive symptoms, and people under overcast day more frequently report having depressive symptoms compared with under a sunny day. Males and middle-old age individuals, but not females and youngsters, significantly exhibit this intraday weather conditions-depression link.
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