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Influence of fall environment and fall direction on risk of injury among prefrail and frail adults

Osteoporosis International Aug 07, 2019

Gratza SK, Chocano-Bedoya PO, Orav EJ, et al. - Via performing a prospective study involving 200 community-dwelling adults with prior falls (prefrail) and 173 adults with acute hip fracture (frail), researchers evaluated how the fall environment and direction were correlated with injury in this population. Among the 373 participants, 513 and 331 falls and fall-related injuries, respectively, were noted. Prefrail adults had more injuries but a lower incidence of major injuries, while the fall rate was comparable between groups. While in movement, prefrail adults fell more frequently; while standing, frail adults fell more commonly. The odds of injury among frail adults increased 3.3-fold and 2.4-fold when falling sideways and when falling in an indoor public space, respectively, and was decreased when falling at home. The odds of injury among prefrail adults was not affected by the environment; while falling backward, it was 53% lower. Therefore, frail adults were more prone to bear major injuries, particularly when falling sideways or outside their homes, while prefrail adults sustained more fall-related injuries.

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