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Impact of invasive aspergillosis occurring during first‐induction therapy on outcome of acute myeloid leukemia (SEIFEM‐12B study)

Mycoses Jul 25, 2020

Candoni A, Farina F, Perruccio K, et al. - Via performing a multicentre, case‐control, study, researchers sought to determine if invasive aspergillosis (IA), occurring after first‐induction chemotherapy (CHT), affects overall acute myeloid leukemia (AML) outcome. They matched 40 AML patients (cases), in whom IA developed during first induction phase, 31 probable (67%) and 9 proven (33%), with a control group (80 AML) without IA, balanced according to age, type of CHT, AML characteristics and cytogenetic‐molecular risk factors. The 2 groups had overall same response rate to induction CHT. Overall favorable response rate to antifungal treatment was reported (80%) in the 40 cases with IA, but it was noted to be significantly influenced by the achievement of leukemia complete remission (CR) with induction CHT. Per findings, the subsequent therapeutic program may delay due to occurrence of IA during first induction CHT and its occurrence significantly influenced OS, particularly in AML patients who did not attain a CR of AML with the first course of CHT.

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