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Help-seeking for psychological distress and its association with anxiety in the oldest old – results from the AgeQualiDe cohort study

Aging and Mental Health Mar 03, 2020

Hohls JK, König HH, Eisele M, et al. - By evaluating baseline data from AgeQualiDe (a multicenter cohort study), researchers studied the aspects of help-seeking for psychological distress as well as its link with increased anxiety symptoms in the oldest old. They assessed help-seeking for psychological distress (items from the Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly) by applying ordinal and logistic regression models as a function of heightened anxiety symptoms (Geriatric Anxiety Inventory-Short Form ≥ 3), as well as relevant socio-demographic and health-associated covariates. Findings revealed that help was sought from informal sources by a large proportion of those suffering from psychological distress. In the oldest old, the link of anxiety symptoms with the increased use of informal support, but not with formal support or no help-seeking, was revealed in this study. In order to decrease a likely burden, encouraging training and support for individuals affording informal aid to those with mental health problems was advised.
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