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Guillain–Barré syndrome in Eastern China: A study of 595 patients

European Journal of Neurology May 30, 2021

Song Y, Zhang Y, Yuki N, et al. - In the present study, the researchers sought to examine geographical differences in the clinical features of Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) between patients from the region in Eastern China and patients from other areas. In total, 595 patients fulfilling the diagnostic criteria ​for GBS or its variants were involved from two large hospitals located in Eastern China. Patients over 60 years old had fewer antecedent infections and single axonal subtypes, but higher disability scores at entry, nadir, and 12 months. Patients had a lower frequency of antecedent infection, cranial nerve involvement, sensory deficits, pain, and mechanical ventilation when compared with Europe/Americas data, but a higher frequency of axonal subtype. Patients with antecedent gastroenteritis, mechanical ventilation, and axonal subtypes were more common in the Eastern China region than in the Southern China region. When compared to other geographic areas, patients with GBS in Eastern China demonstrated significant clinical heterogeneity and differences.

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