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Genetic alterations in pediatric thyroid cancer using a comprehensive childhood cancer gene panel

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Sep 04, 2020

Alzahrani AS, Alswailem M, Alswailem AA, et al. - Given that pediatric differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) varies from adult DTC in its underlying genetics and clinicopathological characteristics, researchers analyzed these aspects in 48 cases of pediatric DTC. The comprehensive Oncomine Childhood Cancer Gene panel was used on Ion Torrent next-generation sequencing platform. They involved 48 patients (37 girls and 11 boys) with pediatric DTC (median age 17 years; range, 5-18 years) and analyzed the connection between these genetic alterations and the clinicopathological features and outcome. Of 48 tumors, 33 (69%) had mutually exclusive somatic genetic alterations except in one tumor. Fusion genes are more common in pediatric DTC than in single-point mutations. RET-PTC1BRAFV600E, RET-PTC3, and ETV6-NTRK3 are the most common genetic alterations. Other alterations rarely occur. Genetic alterations are not correlated with the outcome or clinicopathological features.

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