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Exploring patients’ expectations and preferences of glaucoma surgery outcomes to facilitate healthcare delivery and inform future glaucoma research

British Journal of Ophthalmology Apr 06, 2019

Kulkarni BB, et al. - A total of 45 subjects with glaucoma who underwent medical glaucoma treatments or surgery was assessed to examine what clinical and social outcomes of glaucoma surgery were relevant to patients. researchers identified the following themes: understanding glaucoma, understanding surgery treatments, and understanding treatment outcomes. They noticed social factors as the most important outcomes of the glaucoma surgery described by the candidates. Participants elaborated that being able to maintain their driving license was a strong symbol of successful glaucoma treatment/surgery. Independent living, capacity to care for their family and having a good-quality social life were other important outcomes. Certainty of a successful outcome and proven longevity of the impact were considered as primary motivators for choosing such treatments.
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