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Efficacy of endobronchial ultrasound‐guided transbronchial biopsy without guide sheath for small peripheral pulmonary lesions (≤15 mm): A retrospective cohort study

The Clinical Respiratory Journal Apr 10, 2021

Ito T, Matsumoto M, Kujime M, et al. - Researchers assessed diagnostic yield of small peripheral pulmonary lesions (PPLs) employing endobronchial ultrasonography‐guided transbronchial biopsy (EBUS‐TBB) without guide sheath (GS) vs with GS. No significantly higher diagnostic yield of PPLs was obtained by using EBUS‐TBB without GS vs that using EBUS‐TBB with GS. Based on size (≤15 mm or > 15 mm), location (upper, middle/lingular, or lower area), and structure (solid nodule or ground‐glass opacity), a significantly higher diagnostic yield of small PPLs (≤15 mm) was achieved using EBUS‐TBB without GS vs with GS. Overall, findings demonstrated effectiveness as well as safety of EBUS‐TBB without GS for identification of small PPLs (≤15 mm) vs that with GS.

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