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Effect of nintedanib on lung function in patients with systemic sclerosis−associated interstitial lung disease: Further analyses of a randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial

Arthritis & Rheumatology Mar 12, 2021

Maher TM, Mayes MD, Kreuter M, et al. - In this study, the impacts of nintedanib on categorical changes in forced vital capacity (FVC) and other measures of interstitial lung disease (ILD) progression were evaluated. Researchers designed a post hoc analyses to evaluate the proportions of subjects with categorical changes in FVC % predicted at week 52 and the time to absolute decline in FVC of ≥ 5% predicted or death and absolute decline in FVC of ≥ 10% predicted or death. A total of 576 individuals were included (288 individuals received nintedanib and 288 individuals received placebo). The results of this study exhibited that nintedanib has a clinically relevant benefit on the progression of systemic sclerosis‐ILD.

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