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Effect of age at menarche on microvascular complications among women with type 1 diabetes

Diabetic Medicine Feb 25, 2019

Yi Y, et al. - Using cross-sectional and prospective analyses over the 25-year follow-up, researchers tested the premise that delayed menarche was correlated with a higher risk of microvascular complication (overt nephropathy, proliferative retinopathy, and confirmed distal symmetric polyneuropathy). Of 325 women, data from 315 were included who reached menarche by the study baseline (1986–1988) and who reported their age at menarche. According to findings, age at menarche was not significantly related to proliferative retinopathy or confirmed distal symmetric polyneuropathy in type 1 diabetes, but with the prevalence and cumulative incidence of overt nephropathy. To prevent nephropathy development, women with delayed menarche can be targeted for early screening and timely interventions.

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