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E‐cigarettes versus nicotine replacement treatment as harm reduction interventions for smokers who find quitting difficult: randomized controlled trial

Addiction Jul 26, 2021

Smith KM, Phillips-Waller A, Pesola F, et al. - The present study was conducted to evaluate whether e-cigarettes (EC) compared with nicotine replacement treatment (NRT) can help such smokers to reduce smoking. Researchers designed a randomized controlled trial including EC (n = 68) vs NRT (n = 67) with 6-month follow-up. The study enrolled a total of 135 smokers (median age = 40 years, 51% male) who were previously unable to stop smoking with conventional treatments. The results showed that e-cigarettes were more effective in smokers unable to quit using conventional methods than nicotine replacement therapy in facilitating validated long-term smoking reduction and smoking cessation when limited other support was provided.

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