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Differences in the bone marrow histology between childhood myelodysplastic syndrome with multilineage dysplasia and refractory cytopenia of childhood without multilineage dysplasia

Histopathology Aug 05, 2018

Iwafuchi H, et al. - Researchers aimed at ascertaining the characteristics of bone marrow (BM) histology of myelodysplastic syndrome with multilineage dysplasia (MDS-MLD) in childhood compared to refractory cytopenia of childhood (RCC) without multilineage dysplasia (RCC-w/o MLD) via examination of BM histological features of RCC. Observations suggest that MDS-MLD in childhood and RCC-w/o MLD differ regarding characteristic BM histology. MDS-MLD in childhood, vs RCC-w/o MLD, had the BM histology indicating higher cellularity, the more common occurrence of diffuse distribution pattern, more frequently left-shifted granulopoiesis and more micromegakaryocytes and p53 immunostaining-positive cells.
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