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Correlation between visual function and structural characteristics of the macula in advanced retinitis pigmentosa

Ophthalmologica Mar 26, 2019

Son G, et al. - In this cross-sectional, retrospective review, researchers estimated 149 candidates to quantify the association between visual function and structural characteristics of the retina and choroid in advanced retinitis pigmentosa (RP) cases. They measured the central foveal thickness (CFT), ellipsoid zone (EZ) length, macular volume (MV), and submacular choroidal thickness (SMChT) using spectral domain optical coherence tomography. They found thinner SMChT as compared to that in normal controls. A progressive worsening compared to age and disease duration was presented by best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and visual field index (VFI) per Pearson's correlation. They also noticed an association of BCVA and VFI with CFT, EZ length, and MV at the central 1-mm area.
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