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Comparison of running cutaneous suture spacing during linear wound closures and the effect on wound cosmesis of the face and neck: A randomized clinical trial

JAMA Dermatology Jan 19, 2019

Sklar, LR, et al. - A sum of 56 candidates with age 18 years or older were randomized under clinical trial conducted at the University of California, Davis dermatology clinic from November 28, 2017, to June 15, 2018, to estimate the consequences and wound restoration achieved with running cutaneous sutures spaced 2 vs 5 mm apart. Each scar was assessed by using the Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale (POSAS). At 3 months, authors recorded the mean (SD) sum of the POSAS observer component scores ie, 10.7 (4.3) for the 2-mm interval side and 10.8 (3.5) for the 5-mm side. They noted no statistically significant variation in the mean (SD) sum of the patient component and mean (SD) scar width for the POSAS score between the 2-mm interval side and the 5-mm interval side. Overall, they observed both the suturing techniques with similar restoration consequences and complication frequencies.
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