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Clinical evaluation of interrupted vs continuous narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy in non-segmental vitiligo treatment: A prospective randomized comparative study

Dermatologic Therapy Oct 17, 2019

Anbar TS, et al. - In this prospective randomized comparative study involving 23 patients, researchers assessed the efficacy of interrupted vs continuous NB-UVB in non-segmental vitiligo treatment. The study sample consisted of patients with bilateral, non-segmental vitiligo with no age or gender limits. All study participants underwent one month of NB-UVB phototherapy, after which one side of the body received continuous therapy (Side A) and the other received a 6-month disrupted course (Side B). To exclude NB-UVB's systemic influence, two more groups of 10 patients were enrolled. The authors concluded that interrupted NB-UVB phototherapy could be considered a safe method of treating vitiligo patients with less side effects, lower cost, better adherence, greater social and financial comfort with more or less the same result as continuous treatment.
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