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Care of general practice patients preceding and following a suicide attempt: Observational study in Flemish general practices

BMJ Open May 10, 2019

Boffin N, et al. - In this investigation, researchers analyzed general practitioner (GP) knowledge of patients care (needs), and reviewed the quality of GP follow-up care as well as the transfer of patient care information from hospitals/emergency services (ES) to GPs. With respect to GP knowledge, 10.5% of Sentinel General Practices failed to report whether suicidal risk was noticed in patients seen in the month preceding the attempt, 9.0% failed to report if previous attempts were made, 22.5% failed to report if the patient received follow-up mental health treatment, and 22.0% failed to report if suicidal behavior was repeated at follow-up. Overall, the authors concluded that GPs are heavily involved in caring for suicide attempts, but there is room for improvement, including continuity of information from hospital (ES) to GPs.

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